

Jakarta Data standardizes a programming model where data is represented by simple Java classes and where operations on data are represented by interface methods.

The application defines simple Java objects called entities to represent data in the database. Fields or accessor methods designate each entity property. For example,

 public class Product {
     public long id;
     public String name;
     public float price;
     public int yearProduced;

The application defines interface methods on separate classes called repositories to perform queries and other operations on entities. Repositories are interface classes that are annotated with the Repository annotation. For example,

 public interface Products extends CrudRepository<Product, Long> {

     List<Product> findByNameIgnoreCaseLikeAndPriceLessThan(String namePattern, float max);

     @Query("UPDATE Product o SET o.price = o.price * (1.0 - ?1) WHERE o.yearProduced <= ?2")
     int discountOldInventory(float rateOfDiscount, int maxYear);


Repository interfaces are implemented by the container/runtime and are made available to applications via the jakarta.inject.Inject annotation. For example,

 Products products;

 found = products.findByNameIgnoreCaseLikeAndPriceLessThan("%cell%phone%", 900.0f);
 numDiscounted = products.discountOldInventory(0.15f, - 1);

Jakarta Persistence and Jakarta NoSQL define entity models that you may use in Jakarta Data. You may use jakarta.persistence.Entity and the corresponding entity-related annotations of the Jakarta Persistence specification to define entities for relational databases. You may use jakarta.nosql.mapping.Entity and the corresponding entity-related annotations of the Jakarta NoSQL specification to define entities for NoSQL databases. For other types of data stores, you may use other entity models that are determined by the Jakarta Data provider for the respective data store type.

Methods of repository interfaces must be styled according to a defined set of conventions, which instruct the container/runtime about the desired data access operation to perform. These conventions consist of patterns of reserved keywords within the method name, as well as annotations that are placed upon the method and its parameters.

Built-in repository interfaces, such as DataRepository, are parameterized with the entity type and id type. Other built-in repository interfaces, such as CrudRepository, can be used in place of DataRepository and provide a base set of predefined repository methods which serve as an optional starting point. You can extend these built-in interfaces to add your own custom methods. You can also copy individual method signatures from the built-in repository methods onto your own, which is possible because the built-in repository methods are consistent with the same set of conventions that you use to write custom repository methods.

Entity property names are computed from the fields and accessor methods of the entity class and must be unique ignoring case. For simple entity properties, the field or accessor method name is used as the entity property name. In the case of embedded classes within entities, entity property names are computed by concatenating the field or accessor method names at each level, delimited by _ or undelimited for query by method name (such as findByAddress_ZipCode or findByAddressZipCode) when referred to within repository method names, and delimited by . when used within annotation values, such as for OrderBy.value() and Query.value(),

 public class Order {
     public String orderId;
     public Address address;

 public class Address {
     public int zipCode;

 public interface Orders {
     List<Order> findByAddressZipCodeIn(List<Integer> zipCodes);

     @Query("SELECT o FROM Order o WHERE o.address.zipCode=?1")
     List<Order> forZipCode(int zipCode);

     void save(Order order);

In queries by method name, Id is an alias for the entity property that is designated as the id. Entity property names that are used in queries by method name must not contain reserved words.

Reserved Keywords for Query by Method Name

Reserved Method Name Prefixes
Prefix Description Example
countBy counts the number of entities countByAgeGreaterThanEqual(ageLimit)
deleteBy for delete operations deleteByStatus("DISCONTINUED")
existsBy for determining existence existsByYearHiredAndWageLessThan(2022, 60000)
find...By for find operations findByHeightBetween(minHeight, maxHeight)
save for save operations save(Product newProduct)
updateBy for simple update operations updateByIdSetModifiedOnAddPrice(productId, now, 10.0)

Reserved Keywords
Keyword Applies to Description Example
And conditions Requires both conditions to be satisfied in order to match an entity. findByNameLikeAndPriceLessThanEqual(namePattern, maxPrice)
Asc sorting Specifies ascending sort order for findBy queries findByAgeOrderByFirstNameAsc(age)
Between numeric, strings, time Requires that the entity's attribute value be within the range specified by two parameters. The minimum is listed first, then the maximum. findByAgeBetween(minAge, maxAge)
Contains collections, strings For Collection attributes, requires that the entity's attribute value, which is a collection, includes the parameter value. For String attributes, requires that any substring of the entity's attribute value match the entity's attribute value, which can be a pattern with wildcard characters. findByRecipientsContains(email)
Desc sorting Specifies descending sort order for findBy queries findByAuthorLastNameOrderByYearPublishedDesc(surname)
Empty collections Requires that the entity's attribute is an empty collection or has a null value. countByPhoneNumbersEmpty()
EndsWith strings Requires that the characters at the end of the entity's attribute value match the parameter value, which can be a pattern. findByNameEndsWith(surname)
False boolean Requires that the entity's attribute value has a boolean value of false. findByCanceledFalse()
First find...By Limits the amount of results that can be returned by the query to the number that is specified after First, or absent that to a single result. findFirst25ByYearHiredOrderBySalaryDesc(int yearHired)
findFirstByYearHiredOrderBySalaryDesc(int yearHired)
GreaterThan numeric, strings, time Requires that the entity's attribute value be larger than the parameter value. findByStartTimeGreaterThan(startedAfter)
GreaterThanEqual numeric, strings, time Requires that the entity's attribute value be at least as big as the parameter value. findByAgeGreaterThanEqual(minimumAge)
IgnoreCase strings Requires case insensitive comparison. For query conditions as well as ordering, the IgnoreCase keyword can be specified immediately following the entity property name. countByStatusIgnoreCaseNotLike("%Delivered%")
In all attribute types Requires that the entity's attribute value be within the list that is the parameter value. findByNameIn(names)
LessThan numeric, strings, time Requires that the entity's attribute value be less than the parameter value. findByStartTimeLessThan(startedBefore)
LessThanEqual numeric, strings, time Requires that the entity's attribute value be at least as small as the parameter value. findByAgeLessThanEqual(maximumAge)
Like strings Requires that the entity's attribute value match the parameter value, which can be a pattern. findByNameLike(namePattern)
Not condition Negates a condition. deleteByNameNotLike(namePattern)
Null nullable types Requires that the entity's attribute has a null value. findByEndTimeNull()
Or conditions Requires at least one of the two conditions to be satisfied in order to match an entity. findByPriceLessThanEqualOrDiscountGreaterThanEqual(maxPrice, minDiscount)
OrderBy sorting Sorts results of a findBy query according to one or more entity attributes. Multiple attributes are delimited by Asc and Desc, which indicate ascending and descending sort direction. Precedence in sorting is determined by the order in which attributes are listed. findByStatusOrderByYearHiredDescLastNameAsc(empStatus)
StartsWith strings Requires that the characters at the beginning of the entity's attribute value match the parameter value, which can be a pattern. findByNameStartsWith(firstTwoLetters)
True boolean Requires that the entity's attribute value has a boolean value of true. findByAvailableTrue()

Reserved for Future Use

The specification does not define behavior for the following keywords, but reserves them as keywords that must not be used as entity attribute names when using Query by Method Name. This gives the specification the flexibility to add them in future releases without introducing breaking changes to applications.

Reserved for query conditions: AbsoluteValue, CharCount, ElementCount, Rounded, RoundedDown, RoundedUp, Trimmed, WithDay, WithHour, WithMinute, WithMonth, WithQuarter, WithSecond, WithWeek, WithYear.

Reserved for find...By and count...By: Distinct.

Reserved for updates: Add, Divide, Multiply, Set, Subtract.

Wildcard Characters

Wildcard characters for patterns are determined by the data access provider. For Jakarta Persistence providers, _ matches any one character and % matches 0 or more characters.

Logical Operator Precedence

For relational databases, the logical operator And is evaluated on conditions before Or when both are specified on the same method. Precedence for other database types is limited to the capabilities of the database.

Return Types for Repository Methods
Method Return Types Notes
countBy... long, Long,
int, Integer,
short, Short,
Jakarta Persistence providers limit the maximum to Integer.MAX_VALUE
void, Void,
boolean, Boolean,
long, Long,
int, Integer,
short, Short,
Jakarta Persistence providers limit the maximum to Integer.MAX_VALUE
existsBy... boolean, Boolean
find...By... E,
For queries returning a single item (or none)
find...By... E[],
find...By... Stream<E> The caller must arrange to close all streams that it obtains from repository methods.
find...By... Collection subtypes The subtype must have a public default constructor and support addAll or add
find...By... Page<E>, Iterator<E> For use with pagination
find...By... LinkedHashMap<K, E> Ordered map of Id attribute value to entity
save(E) E,
void, Void
For saving a single entity.
void, Void,
Collection subtypes
For saving multiple entities.
Collection subtypes must have a public default constructor and support addAll or add

Parameters to Repository Methods

The parameters to a repository method correspond to the conditions that are defined within the name of repository method (see reserved keywords above), in the same order specified. Most conditions, such as Like or LessThan, correspond to a single method parameter. The exception to this rule is Between, which corresponds to two method parameters.

After all conditions are matched up with the corresponding parameters, the remaining repository method parameters are used to enable other capabilities such as pagination, limits, and sorting.


You can cap the number of results that can be returned by a single invocation of a repository find method by adding a Limit parameter. You can also limit the results to a positional range. For example,

 @Query("SELECT o FROM Products o WHERE (o.fullPrice - o.salePrice) / o.fullPrice >= ?1 ORDER BY o.salePrice DESC")
 Product[] highlyDiscounted(float minPercentOff, Limit limit);

 first50 = products.highlyDiscounted(0.30, Limit.of(50));
 second50 = products.highlyDiscounted(0.30, Limit.range(51, 100));


You can request that results be paginated by adding a Pageable parameter to a repository find method. For example,

 Product[] findByNameLikeOrderByAmountSoldDescNameAsc(
           String pattern, Pageable pagination);
 page1 = products.findByNameLikeOrderByAmountSoldDescNameAsc(
                  "%phone%", Pageable.ofSize(20));

Sorting at Runtime

When using pagination, you can dynamically supply sorting criteria via the Pageable.sortBy(Sort...) and Pageable.sortBy(Iterable) methods. For example,

 Product[] findByNameLike(String pattern, Pageable pagination);

 Pageable pagination = Pageable.ofSize(25).sortBy(
 page1 = products.findByNameLikeAndPriceBetween(
                 namePattern, minPrice, maxPrice, pagination);

To supply sorting criteria dynamically without using pagination, add one or more Sort parameters (or Sort...) to a repository find method. For example,

 Product[] findByNameLike(String pattern, Limit max, Sort... sortBy);

 page1 = products.findByNameLike(namePattern, Limit.of(25),

Jakarta Transactions

Repository methods can participate in global transactions. If a global transaction is active on the thread where a repository method runs and the data source that backs the repository is capable of transaction enlistment, then the repository operation runs as part of the transaction. The repository operation does not commit or roll back a transaction that was already present on the thread, but it might mark the transaction for rollback only (jakarta.transaction.Status.STATUS_MARKED_ROLLBACK) if the repository operation fails.

When running in an environment where Jakarta Transactions and Jakarta CDI are available, you can annotate repository methods with jakarta.transaction.Transactional to define how the container manages transactions with respect to the repository method.

Interceptor Annotations on Repository Methods

Interceptor bindings such as jakarta.transaction.Transactional can annotate a repository method. The repository bean honors these annotations when running in an environment where the Jakarta EE technology that provides the interceptor is available.

  • Packages

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    Common data access exceptions.
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    In Domain-driven design, DDD, a repository is an object that participates in the domain but abstracts away storage and infrastructure details.